Destinations - InventTour
African Ubuntu Safaris

Namib Desert

Namib Desert

One of the driest places on earth, with some of the world's highest sand dunes, the Namib Desert experience is one which will remain in your memories forever.   With the night skies being overwhelmingly pierced with stars, and the sunrises and sunsets casting the most gorgeous colours over the dunes, the Namib will enchant you in many ways.

Stretching about 1 200 kilometres along the west coast of Southern Africa, but only averaging about 70 kilometres in width, the Namib creates the most desolate of coastlines.  It is unbelievable that anything can survive in these harsh sands, however, many fascinating creatures and plants eke out an existence from the little resources available. 

Amazing too is that San Bushmen have tackled this environment for hundreds of years, and succeeded!

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Enormous Sand Dunes

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The Namib Desert is reputed to have the highest sand dunes of any desert in the world, and they defintely make for some incredible landscapes.   Towering hundreds of metres into the sky, the red sand dunes contrast starkly against the crisp blue desert skies, allowing for wonderful photography and scenic splendour.

Guided Desert Walks

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It is well worth being led on a guided walk of the desert, usually from Sossusvlei, on which you can learn a remarkable amount about the Namib Desert's fauna and flora.

On the surface it appears that nothing can survive, however, beneath the sands is a buzz of activity, and only resident experts will be able to locate the numerous animals which call the Namib home.

Hot-air Balloon Flights

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One better location to view the sunrise than Dune 45 is from the soaring and silent heights of a hot-air balloon, which floats peacefully above the dunes.

Leaving the earth before sunrise, you will fly for up to an hour, before landing and enjoying a champagne breakfast in the desert, to top off the most exhilarating of wake ups.

Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei

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Sossusvlei is the end point of the Tsauchab River which periodically flows through the desert after heavy rain seasons, before being swallowed into the red Namib sands, leaving a salt and clay pan.  Interestingly Sossusvlei has had many locations over the centuries, with the sand dunes slowly causing the river to end earlier and earlier over time.

An old location of an earlier Sossusvlei is the truly magical Dead Vlei, which can be reached on a short hike through the desert from Sossusvlei.   This walk is an absolute must, and it is well worth persevering through the hot sands to view the incredible beauty of the enormous clay pan and dead Camel Thorn trees. 

Sunrise at Dune 45

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Each sand dune in the Namib-Naukluft National Park is numbered according to its position from the entrance gate, and Dune 45 has become the iconic sand dune to climb before sunrise, to await the breaking of a new dawn over this desolate land.

Leaving your lodge well before sun-up, you will be driven deep into the desert, before setting off on a one-step-forward-2-steps-back type of climb up the sandy dune.  Getting as high as possible, Dune 45 provides you with magnificent views of the sun peeping over the horizon, before rising above the desert to cast its colourful rays over the land.